Jacob Yoder's diary entries from April 10-17, 1869
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Jacob Yoder's diary entries from April 10-17, 1869
African Americans, education, race relations
Jacob Eschbach Yoder (1838-1905), a Pennsylvania native, came to Lynchburg in 1866 to help educate freedpeople. He left after a few months, but returned in 1868 and continued to teach and serve as an administrator for the African American schools in Lynchburg until his death. Despite his idealistic intentions, he confided to his diary his deep ambivalence aobut his job, the abilities of his colleagues, and the prospects for African American education. Yoder kept a diary between 1866 and 1870, some of which has been published as The Fire of Liberty in Their Hearts, ed., Samuel L. Horst (1996). These entries are from a volume that remains unpublished.
Jacob Yoder
Jacob E. Yoder. Diaries, 1861-1870. Accession 27680, 51148. Personal papers collection. The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Va. 23219.
April 10-17, 1869
Out of the Box blog entry on Jacob Yoder.
14_1165_036, 14_1165_037, Yoder diary_April 1869_transcription_14_1165_036-037.pdf
Lynchburg, Virginia
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Saturday, April 10 1869.
Rose late Mr. Shermen called on me before breakfast. I gave me money to go home with. Bought books. Heard private classes. Attended to book accounts. Finished ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin.’ Over this I cried profusely. What heart would not melt at perceiving such woes. I believe it was providential that I did not read it before the fall of Slavery; for I might have died a martyr as Uncle Tom did.
Yesterday the Freedmen commemorated the day as the anniversary of the fall of Richmond.
Weather is cold and chilly and damp. I have fire in my room in consequence.
Sunday April 11. 1869
Dreary cold snowing. Afternoon at tended Foremans preaching. Read a part of the day.
Monday. April 12. 1869
Nothing occurred to arrest the attention of a steady worker. Wrote Mrs. Armstead. Read a part of the autobiography of a shaker. Mr. Victor told me we must teach the colored people ‘as niggirs and also that they are niggers.’ I told him that we are doing no such thing.
Tuesday April 13. 1869.
A cold morning again. I think fruit is injured.
Wrote Corson & Read in atlantic Monthly. Note by a carpetbagger in Penna. The rest of the time I taught. Rev. White visited out school today. He addressed the school.
Wednesday April 14. 1869.
Busy till Ten O’clock at night. I was terribly fooled this evening. Mr. Schadd, a colored teacher of Phila arrived this evening. I took him to the Washington House for supper. This was refused him on account of his color. My God! What does this mean? I had an insulting letter from Maria. How do I feel? God give me grace.
Thursday April 15. 1869.
Sent Mr. Schadd to Appomattox. Wrote Maria.
Friday April 16. 1869.
Weather has now become warm. Neglected one of my private classes. Bad company diverted my attention. Went to Alum Springs.
Saturday April 17. 1869.
R. S. Lacey is confirmed as Assessor.
Was working a half a day at fixing my clothes. Mrs. Armistead called on me. I bought her some books. Drew $80.00 money on cigars. Wrote Bauman & Corson. Had a letter from Corson and one from Mrs. M. R. Rile. Wrote Mrs. Lanning Cookwell Va.
Rose late Mr. Shermen called on me before breakfast. I gave me money to go home with. Bought books. Heard private classes. Attended to book accounts. Finished ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin.’ Over this I cried profusely. What heart would not melt at perceiving such woes. I believe it was providential that I did not read it before the fall of Slavery; for I might have died a martyr as Uncle Tom did.
Yesterday the Freedmen commemorated the day as the anniversary of the fall of Richmond.
Weather is cold and chilly and damp. I have fire in my room in consequence.
Sunday April 11. 1869
Dreary cold snowing. Afternoon at tended Foremans preaching. Read a part of the day.
Monday. April 12. 1869
Nothing occurred to arrest the attention of a steady worker. Wrote Mrs. Armstead. Read a part of the autobiography of a shaker. Mr. Victor told me we must teach the colored people ‘as niggirs and also that they are niggers.’ I told him that we are doing no such thing.
Tuesday April 13. 1869.
A cold morning again. I think fruit is injured.
Wrote Corson & Read in atlantic Monthly. Note by a carpetbagger in Penna. The rest of the time I taught. Rev. White visited out school today. He addressed the school.
Wednesday April 14. 1869.
Busy till Ten O’clock at night. I was terribly fooled this evening. Mr. Schadd, a colored teacher of Phila arrived this evening. I took him to the Washington House for supper. This was refused him on account of his color. My God! What does this mean? I had an insulting letter from Maria. How do I feel? God give me grace.
Thursday April 15. 1869.
Sent Mr. Schadd to Appomattox. Wrote Maria.
Friday April 16. 1869.
Weather has now become warm. Neglected one of my private classes. Bad company diverted my attention. Went to Alum Springs.
Saturday April 17. 1869.
R. S. Lacey is confirmed as Assessor.
Was working a half a day at fixing my clothes. Mrs. Armistead called on me. I bought her some books. Drew $80.00 money on cigars. Wrote Bauman & Corson. Had a letter from Corson and one from Mrs. M. R. Rile. Wrote Mrs. Lanning Cookwell Va.
Original Format
Jacob Yoder, “Jacob Yoder's diary entries from April 10-17, 1869,” Remaking Virginia: Transformation Through Emancipation, accessed February 22, 2025, https://virginiamemory.com/online-exhibitions/items/show/225.