To Be Sold: Virginia and the American Slave Trade opened at the Library of Virginia on October 24, 2014 and closed on May 30, 2015. A traveling panel exhibition is supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Maurie D. McInnis
Amy Winegardner and Christine Sisic
Web site:
Barbara C. Batson
Bill Humm, LightHeavy Industries
Andrews Parsons
Kevin Heraldo, University of Richmond
Thanks to:
American Antiquarian Society
Boston Public Library
Chicago History Museum
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Heinz Family Foundation
Library of Congress
Massachusetts Historical Society
Maurie D. McInnis
Museo de Bellas Artes, Havana
New-York Historical Society
New York Public Library
South Carolina Historical Society
Rex Stark
University of Richmond, Digital Scholars Lab: Nathaniel Ayers, Justin Madron, Radha Zanzal, Erica Havens, Lily Calaycay, Kim D’Agostini, Francisco Cuevas, and Stefan St John
University of Virginia
Valentine Museum
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Virginia Historical Society
And particular thanks to Edward L. Ayers, Paige Buchbinder, Sonya Coleman, Greg Crawford, Charles Dew, Alexandra Finley, Cara Griggs, Ann Henderson, Kevin Heraldo, Mark Howell, Gregg D. Kimball, Audrey McElhinney, Scott Nesbit, Christopher Oliver, Andrew Parsons, Corey Piper, Jason Roma, Calvin Schermerhorn, and Sylvia Yount
Support from the Library of Virginia Foundation, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, and the National Endowment for the Humanities